When I Run, I Feel His Pleasure

I’ve been a runner for a while. Though I’ve taken a few years off, I’ve been able to slowly get back into this year. And now, on October 17, I’ll run my first half marathon. Assuming all goes well and I can continue training, I’ll run my first full marathon on January 10.

Long distance running requires a lot of time listening to the repetitive sounds of your feet and your breathing. Some people drown this out with headphones & music. I understand that, but it’s not for me. I think you miss so much about what’s going on around you, the essence of running, when you block out one of your senses like that.

But 13.1 and 26.2 miles are both very long distances to run…and run, and run! The Lord recently has reminded me that I have uninhibited access to his throne, and that the hours I spend running would be a perfect time to spend before him. How have I missed this before?!!

So, let’s just say I run an optimistic 9 minutes/mile pace in both races. That leaves me with right about 1 hour, 57 minutes for the half marathon, and 3 hours, 55 minutes for the full. That’s a long time. How do you stay focused on prayer for so long? How do you not run out of stuff to pray about?

That’s where you come in. I will be praying for you. Below are milestones (literally) that represent the races, and I want to pray for you for at least one mile. Email me, post a comment below, call me, send me a letter or a text and let me know how I can pray for you. I’ll carry a little list with me that I can refer to and “flip” during my races so that I’ll know how to pray for you:

Mile Person Requests
1 Paw More consistent in prayer life
2 Pat Pat Healing. Trust & obey.  More time in the word & prayer
3 Brad Thanks for job; parenting wisdom; light in darkness
4 Amy Thanks for job, parenting wisdom, Bible study/living
5 Matthew His & his future spouse’s salvation; good health
6 Andy To be a great father and better husband in 2010
7 Ashley Wisdom & sanity; a peaceful heart
8 Adam To continue to want to learn (especially about Jesus)
9 Austin Health; we’re more thankful for Austin that he is such a good baby
10 Maggie Stronger faith, to know Christ deeper
11 Wilson Social maturity, to see his need of a Savior
12 Miller A calmer temper, a desire to obey
13 Lauren Peace that passes all; true Joy! a deeper walk
13.1 Phil Go, legs, go!

Will you pray for me too? You don’t have to spend 2 or 4 hours in prayer, but I would covet what you can spare. Here are some race-specific needs you can pray for:

  • That I not lose focus on my family during the long hours of training
  • That I will stay healthy during training
  • No injuries during the races
  • A good night’s sleep before the races

6 Replies to “When I Run, I Feel His Pleasure”

  1. I know you’ll have a “little flip list,” and not all of this may fit, but if you happen to run slower than expected, then you can have some extras. We always appreciate any bended knees on our behalf, so thank you!! I hope that your race goes well and can’t wait to hear about it! Much love, Ames

    Prayer Requests:
    Matthew: that he would come to know Christ at an early age; that the heart, mind and spirit of his future spouse would be protected and that she too will come to know Christ; thankfulness for good health

    Amy & Brad: that we will be seen as “different” amongst those who do not know Jesus; that we will be Godly parents; thankfulness for Brad’s job and how good God has been to us this past year during his work transition; thankfulness for the provisions made so that Amy can stay at home with Matthew; we have several friends who need encouragement and prayer (too many to list them all); that we would be given an intense desire to stay focused on Bible study and to not only study it, but live it every day; thankfulness for family and close friends; that we will be given wisdom as we approach decisions on Matthew’s education; we truly feel burdened for our country and its leaders – we ask that God really tug on the hearts of those who can really make a difference; for our churches and their leaders;

  2. Andy – to be a great father and better husband in 2010

    Adam – to continue to want to learn (especially about Jesus)

    Austin – health. We’re more thankful for Austin that he is such a good baby.

  3. One more from mom—on behalf of Nanny….thank the Lord for His faithfulness in comforting her this year. And for the opportunities to continue in her own ministry as it develops. She still has a lot to offer and the Lord seems to be opening doors for her in this regard. Still, she is terribly lonely–for that I would ask that you pray for her to feel God’s presence in a supernatural way.

    Pop/Mim….to have a walk with God.

  4. I am so proud of you, my other son! As you pray for your family, I’d like to add that you’d pray for Nan and pray for me to see ways to help her enjoy each day. Your interest in her means so much to her. We truly appreciate your help each week in picking her up.

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