
Miller had tubes put in her ears bright and early this morning. She was a fairly happy camper before hand and made all sorts of friends in the waiting room. Other than tossing her cookies after the surgery, everything went pretty much as expected. We’re home now, my clothes are in the washing machine and she is happily talking to some crackers and pushing her tractor around the house. Pictures are below and the video is of her when her meds started kicking in. She’d take her paci out like she had a grand statement for us and then sort of growl “bye-bye” and wave. As time wore on her voice got quieter and her little hand got a bit heavy. She also attempted to bounce up and down in my lap- she gave up after only one small hop, a true sign she was just about ready to go.
What a cute little patient

Dad’s explaining the finer points of surgical center fashion
Her little gown had pink whales, dinosaurs, and elephants and said, “sooooooo big!”- one of her new favorite games

Millie saying “bye bye” to mom

2 Replies to “Tubesday”

  1. That video is SOOOOOOOOOO precious! I could absolutely eat her!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your experience with tubes is as good as ours was with Coleman. Best thing ever!

  2. I hope she’s doing well. Mary Wright got some tubes on Monday. It’s been a slow recovery around here, but she’s finally back to herself. Y’all take care and Merry Christmas.

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