The Toddling Tyrant

Tonight I’d like to use some of my prized web real estate to blog about some of my favorite things about Wilson. While there are many- they tend to get overshadowed by the messes he makes and gets himself into. There are also times when this toddling tyrant wobbles around pointing a pudgy finger at no one in particular, handing out orders in his own foreign language. It’s at these times that I think, “So this is what Hitler would have looked like, had he been about a foot shorter, worn suits with snaps up the inseam, and been, well, Aryan.”

However, there’s so many other times that he brings more joy than I could have expected. I am always amazed at what we don’t have to teach him. Earlier I mentioned how you don’t have to teach “sneaky”. But we also didn’t have to teach him to love. Hand Wilson any plush toy and he immediately puts his head on it, “loving” it. He tries to “love” the hard plastic animals that came with his farm set. He loves his cars & gucks. He also continually tries to “love” Jack even though he has changed Jack’s name to “Grrrrrrr” because growling is all he ever hears come out of the dog.

We didn’t have to teach him to be funny, but you can’t be around him for long before he has you in stitches. He has genuinely figured out humor, and knows what is going to make his mom and dad laugh out loud.

We didn’t have to teach him to smile, giggle, and say “men-men” (Amen) when his dad finishes the blessing, but I’m sure glad he does. It’s heart warming. We didn’t have to teach him to say “Hi-O” when he drops something. Okay, so we did teach him that, but it’s a welcome break from the typical “ah-o” that you here from every other kid. (and dang funny if I do say so myself!)

We have had several sleepless nights lately- I’m very fearful that he’s trying to give up his afternoon nap (he didn’t take one at all today). Last night he woke up around midnight and I rocked him for a little while before heading to the guest room with him. Around 3am, with his head on my knee cap and his foot in my mouth (and Tate on one of my legs & Jack on top of Wilson- all of a sudden Wilson’s not so evil when he’s a ticket onto the bed), I woke up and moved him to his bed. He of course woke up and began ranting and raving about how he didn’t need to go back to bed. He’d had 3 hours of sleep- he was good. At this point, I had had enough togetherness- I shut the door and went back to the guest bed and snuggled in with the dogs.

However, earlier- at midnight, I was kind of relishing the time I had with him. If he never had sleepless nights, I’d never get to hold him. He’s never been much of a cuddly baby and has never let anyone but his dad rock him. So, if a night or two with no sleep now and then means I get to hold the little tyrant in his baby blue train footy pajamas so be it. We’re going to have to work on the nap thing though. That’s when I take my shower and there are only so many days in a row I can go with no shower!

3 Replies to “The Toddling Tyrant”

  1. What an awesome little dude! Can’t wait to catch up w/ you all. I’ll be checking the blog often, and will certainly call the next time I’m in town.


  2. You are an awesome mama! What a joy to read about the things you love about Mr. Wilson! Have a wonderful day. Love, Ash

  3. You make me cry almost–you have captured the sweet essence of being a mom. No doubt, you are “laying up this treasure” in your heart that will comfort you in the years to come. That’s part of the wealth that no one can ever take away from you, but one that we, as all mothers, can identify with.

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