The Patient

My sweet in-laws dropped by a little earlier to bring Wilson some popsicles and check in on him (they didn’t forget mom- 2 tubs of Dibs or the dogs- a box of Frosty Paws dog ice cream!) My mother-in-law commented on how empty my freezer still is (see And the Frigidaire Has Never Been Cleaner). I’ve decided keeping it empty is the only way to keep it clean and prevent another incident!! Wilson got to show them his new swing set and his Aunt Lauren read him a book. If there were sound to go with the picture you would hear Wilson saying “Lalin, Lalin”. He is standing by the back door looking for her after they left, sporting his new Cars pajama bottoms that Granna made this weekend and his Mickey slippers that are hand-me-downs from Uncle John. He’s been a fairly good patient today. Mostly he’s just slept and played cawrs and watched cars on TV. We did make it to Walmart for more cough syrup and diapers- Woo Hoo! what a day, I’m wiped out!! Ha, ha, ha! I remember when “a night on the town” meant so much more. Oh well, I better go finish those Dibs before Dad gets home!!

2 Replies to “The Patient”

  1. I think for this week, it’s safe to call me the favorite aunt. I’m honored. I’m almost scared to see him again this week for fear that he’ll change his mind.

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