Memory Lane

Wilson is still not himself yet, so I haven’t had anything really memorable to photograph. We spent yesterday at Granna & Granddaddy’s and grouched all around their house and tonight we hung out at Pat Pat & Paw’s. Wilson did get to see his Aunt Lauren which is a rare treat and impressed us all by saying her name when we asked him who she was! He also got to see his Nanny & Pappa- boy does he love Pappa!
I’ve recently created a “favorites” folder from all the pictures we’ve taken since Wilson entered our lives. It’s fun go back and look at how much he’s grown, learned, and accomplished. It’s also nice to look at all the pictures of a smiling face when all I’ve seen lately is a swollen, red, sweaty, pitiful face complete with a mouth that is crying or hoarsely screaming!! The picture I’m including in this post is from last Christmas. He found this wreath of bells on my mom’s Christmas tree and fell in love with it. My dad insisted that we take it with us when we left. He is dressed in is Ralph Lauren PJ’s that Pat Pat brought back from her trip to NYC and his Bunnies By the Bay Flipper Slippers that Granna gave him for Christmas. He also still had his red hair.
He can be happy, he can be happy, he can be happy . . . .

One Reply to “Memory Lane”

  1. Hey girlie,

    Hang in there. He will be back to his playful self soon. I love the picture of him last Christmas. Adorable! Do you have any saved of him when he was 5 months old? It would be fun to compare. Love, Ash

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