Happy 90th, Nan!

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating yet another great- grandparent’s birthday. This weekend was my dad’s mother’s 90th birthday. It was great to see so much family and friends together. Her brother and sister were both able to come as well as all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. To the left is a picture of Wilson with Nan. I’m also including a photo of me with her mother when we were both about their ages. Seeing Nan with Wilson has really brought back some fun memories I have of her mother whom we all called Buba (correctly spelled Bubber for some reason- it must be a “Delta” thing!) She crocheted booties for all my baby dolls, including my Cabbage Patch Kids that had those wierd ball shaped feet for which there was no pattern. She sat in the kitchen and instructed us on how to decorate gingermen and women at Christmas. Raisins for eyes and red hots for buttons were not enough for her- she wanted us to ice lace collers around the girl’s necks! She had a house that I thought was the biggest house ever and I couldn’t wait to go there when we got to my grandmother’s house in Greenwood. She was later moved to a nursing home and then I could wait to go get her from there and bring her to Nan’s house. I tried my best to teach her all the names of my Care Bears. I was so lucky to have three of these very special great-grands in my life- Wilson is doubly blessed to have SEVEN!! What fun memories he has ahead of him.

Well, I guess that was long enough stroll down memory lane. I have to go take the trash out. Jack got stuck under the sofa this morning chasing a ball. When I got down there to help him out, I spotted a sippy cup under the sofa. I prayed the whole time I was moving the sofa “Please be water, please be water.” I have no idea what it WAS- but now it’s black. I’m just throwing the whole cup away and on the off chance that it now has spawning capabilities, I want it out of my house!!

One Reply to “Happy 90th, Nan!”

  1. hey, I was working on a new bacteria colony. It started off as a frogurt, but I added cheese to speed things up.

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