A Few Highlights from the Summer

Miller with the big pot man at Pop & Mim’s
Wilson with his T-ball trophy
Goodbye, Uncle John, we love you, we’ll see you in November!
(UJ has been in Alaska since the end of June and will be back after Thanksgiving. He’s doing something with some fish- sorry to get all technical on you. If you want even more info, he’ll be doing a presentation at State when he returns.)
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One Reply to “A Few Highlights from the Summer”

  1. Oh my, those pictures are just hilarious! Can't believe how big Wilson is with his big boy trophy, and Miller looks like she is just oozing with personality now! HA! How about baby John living in AK??? He's come a long way from those days we exploded his diapers with the hose…makes me laugh! I am SURE Fred is planning a trip to visit John in the great outdoors…he probably can't STAND to be away! Love those updates, friend…keep 'em coming!

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