
Wilson: “My best was going to Sunday school; but it went away.  Maybe I can pray about that tonight?”  Sure, son, that’d be a great thing to pray about.  When Wilson says that his “best” went away, that means that it’s over now or that he’s not doing it anymore.  Not sure where that came from, but it’s kinda cool.

Maggie: “Lunch (from Penn’s) and supper (Back Yard Burger at Granna & Big Daddy’s house).”  I think we’ve had our sodium & triglyceride quotas for the rest of the year filled today.  Funny thing about Penns – the plasticware packets included salt & pepper packets.  Who on Earth would put more salt on fried catfish, hush puppies and fries?

Phil: “My best was laying down with Wilson in his bed to take a rest, and waking up by myself.”  It was a good, unexpected nap, and I was awakened to the sound of my family laughing & playing.  That’s the stuff that bests are made of.

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