
Today’s bests, as reported by each family member at dinner tonight, are as follows.

Wilson: “hmmm; playing with my airplane.”  I suspect that this one was a bit rushed, though I did come home from work to him flying it like a madman in the back yard.

Maggie: “Eating lunch with the whole family was nice, and a Dr. who is not currently taking patients called back just to see how I was doing.  I thought that was really nice.”  I think so too.  Oh, and lunch was all four of us going to Sweet Peppers.  Wilson learned how to play the dots game where you take turns drawing lines & trying to make squares.  I think that kept him busy for the rest of the afternoon.

Phil: “I also enjoyed eating lunch with the family.  I had a great conversation with Carl [Kalbercamp] this afternoon too.”

Miller: “duh duh duh duh duh duh.”  I’m sure it was, sweetheart.

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