What was your best?

Every night at the dinner table one of us will remember to ask “what was your best?”  It’s turned into a really fun way to share the highlights of our days.  Even if you’ve had the crummiest day of your life, you had a best.  That day’s best would just be the least crummy thing that either happened to you or that you had to do.

This is similar to the traditional “high/low” game that you may be more familiar with except that we decided to just stick with the highs.  I’m not really sure when we started asking the question, but we’ve decided to try to record our “bests” to see if it would be fun to look back over the weeks, months, and possibly years to see just how blessed we really are.

If you like the idea, feel free to leave your best in a comment!  We’d love to know how your day went to.