
The other morning I was getting ready for work, trying to be quiet.  Wilson came down and was hanging out with me before I headed out.  Some storms were brewing in the distance and you could just hear the thunder rolling as it got closer to us.

I looked at Wilson and said, “Wow, I think it’s going to rain in a little bit.”

He wasn’t very impressed, though.  He nonchalantly looked at me, then turned to look away while he said, “Well, Dad, it is March.  And it rains a lot in March.”

I thought that was April but so far he’s right.  Who knew?

Desire + Optimism != Faith

If I haven’t yet told you in person about Living Christ 360, it’s probably only because I haven’t seen you in a while.  Knowing where to read and what to munch on throughout the day has been a constant battle for me personally.  It seems to be one of those areas in which Satan will do everything he can to encourage you to throw your hands up in surrender.  I know I’ve given up countless times.  Thanks be to God for the Biblical teaching ministry of Bryan Chapell at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis who has recently started sharing archives of his sermons in podcast form and shares excerpts from his books in daily, easily digestible format packed with reflections on the profound mysteries of our God.

As I read today’s message it felt a little like Mr. Chapell had made a trip to the inside of my head & heart.  Have you struggled with faith?  I’d guess most people would say yes, but I don’t remember anyone ever really talking about it.  As a kid I remember my parents (and many other adults at our church) telling me over and again that all you have to do is believe.  Well that sounds simple, but frankly, what the heck does that mean?!!  Do I grit my teeth, close my eyes really tight, clinch my fists and just say, “I BELIEVE!  I BELIEVE!  I BELIEVE!”  Even as a little boy I knew that wasn’t right, but no one could seem to explain it to me.  So when I read Chapell’s words this morning, it rang a little extra true to my engineer’s heart as he stated it in formulaic terms, “…desire plus optimism does not equal faith.”  Bingo.  Finally, I’m not crazy.  Well, if I am then at least I now have company.

So now I am affirmed in half of my quest for this mystery of faith.  I know what it is not, and I know that the way it had been explained to me just wasn’t quite cutting it.  So what is it?  Well I’d encourage you to read today’s message (it will take you all of 5 minutes to read), but if you’re really that busy then I’ll spoil it with you by sharing his final words of the day.  From his book The Wonder of it All: Rediscovering the Treasures of Your Faith, Bryan Chapell describes it by saying, “[g]reat faith claims only to know God himself—and to trust that he knows what is best in any and every situation. Put your faith in him today, for he alone will never fail you.”  No gritting of teeth, no clinching of hands, no squeezing of eyes.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  Bathe yourself in scripture and in prayer, earnestly seeking the Lord.  And when you have, open your eyes & fists, let go of everything you are trying to control, and trust that he has, does, and will provide for you in every way.  That alone is where lasting peace and joy will be found.

Paradox of the Day

I think I’d had one sip of coffee this morning when a coworker cruised by my door, stopped and said, “I hate it when I wake up chipper.”

I would’ve laughed harder had I consumed more coffee at the time.  Nevertheless, very clever.

Come Together

WEE & I were on the way to the park yesterday for some much-needed energy-releasing activities.  Otherwise, one of us was going to end the other, and I’m really not sure who was going to walk away alive.

We rode together in silence, partly excited about what new adventures we were about to experience and partly just because we both needed some quiet time.  About halfway to the park he spoke up and said, “hey, we came together.”  That snapped me out of my daze so I said, “huh?” to which he replied, “we’re both going to the park and we’re both in the car, so we’re coming together.  Like in the song.”

I didn’t even realize it, but this song was playing on the radio.  In fact, I had to turn it up to recognize that it was the Beatles.  Good ears, little man, good ears.