Typical Men, Waiting Until the Last Minute

I forgot one Christmas related story so I’ll stick it here before I get too far into the postings of 2010!

Wilson was reflecting on the Christmast story one day. “So, the shepherds were first and then the wise men came . . . becuase they had to go and buy their stuff. Right, mom?”

Something like that. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

January 7, 2010

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This is Miss Priss on the Real Day! She wore her Happy Birthday hat and cupcake dress to school and took “cupcakes” to share with her friends. (the were actually iced cookies from the bakery at Kroger because her mamma was leaving the next day for WDW, but her way sounds much more homey, so we’ll stick with her story!) As you can see from the pictures, the hat stayed with us until it was dark outside. This one loves to be the center of attention.
And the center of our attention you are, little Moo. You are constantly entertaining us with your new vocabulary, new phrases, new songs, new dance moves, and new trouble! You are super smart although at times that gets overshadowed by your live out loud attitude and cuteness. You were singing the ABC’s and counting to 10 by the time you were about 18-20 mos old. Around that time you were also able to recognize a “group” of two without counting. “look mamma, it’s two babies!” You love going to see Ms Lizzie at the library for Mother Goose on the Loose at Baby Bookworm time. You really get into all the rhymes, songs, and dances. I’m amazed at how quickly you retain songs. You usually only have to hear one twice before you know all the words. A favorite from Mother Goose on the Loose is “Two Little Dicky Birds”. You use your two pointer fingers to be the two little birds- one’s named soft, one’s named loud. When you get out of sorts in public you can usually be turned around by asking you if you brought your birds. Through a tear stained and red face a little grin will appear along with two little pointer fingers right in front of your face. Of course its’ not always that easy to get a smile or to get you to comply. One of your favorite tricks to pull is to completely defy an instruction, look me in the eye, and say “one . . . . two . . . three . . .” I used the counting when we were still waiting on your vocabulary to come in so I would know for sure that you’d had a chance to understand what was asked of you before you were punished. Apparently you did. You still love to read and some of your favorites are Princess Baby, Olivia, Pinkalicious, Mother Goose, and a little Golden Book called Little Mommy. You love playing babies, cooking in your kitchen, playing with your dollhouse, and dressing up. You also can’t wait for Wilson and his friend John Clark to get out of the car for school in the morning. When the car door shuts, you promptly grab their action figures and begin playing “Bapmam”. You are very social and associate what I’m wearing with who you’re going to get to play with. If its workout clothes you start asking for Walker & Thomas, if I’m dressed up it’s “go see Moca (Monica)” the nursery helper at church, if Wilson’s heading out the door in the morning you want to go see your buddy Caroline who happens to be John Clark’s sister. “Baby Girl” (as your brother still calls you) you bring a smile to our face daily and have added a little pink fuzzy to our hearts that we didn’t know we were missing. We love you!

Miller’s 2nd B’day Party

Miller celebrated her birthday a few days early with her closest buddies and cousin. She is really into Mother Goose these days and we used that as the theme. Her invitations had the Baker’s Man on them and invited guests to
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man!
Bake me a cake as fast as you can!
-Miller’s Turning Two!-
So, let’s . . .
Hug her, and tickle her, and mark her with a kiss
Please come and celebrate and watch her make a wish!
Her cake looked like a book opened to Baker’s Man’s page and her favors were sets of book plates with various nursery rhyme pictures on them for her friends to put in their books. They were in small boxes covered in brown & white nursery rhyme toile with pink trim that matched the plates we ate snacks off of.
Incidentally, they also matched her outfit. I got a sewing machine for Christmas from my parents and this was one of my first projects. Hot pink and white toile pants with brown minky dot ruffle cuffs and top with an appliqué from the toile print with a border of the minky dot.

The Turn Spin Bike

This is Wilson on the maiden voyage of the “turn spin bike” (if you google that you won’t find it, but you will if you type in Razor Rip Rider 360- he sounded like Ralphie from a Christmas Story asking for it!) Anyway we have all had a turn on it from both of my parents down to Miller. It so much fun- the back wheels are casters so it spins around in a circle if you turn hard enough. Fortunately Wilson also learned how to ride his regular bike without training wheels Christmas Eve morning. So, the turn spin is often free for me to play on in the driveway.
This was his gift from the Ethridge grandparents. We had to assemble as soon as we got home from their house. We then had to move the kitchen table out of the way so that Wilson could try it out because it was raining outside. As I mentioned- it make very good turns, so it’s an excellent indoor bike on cold, rainy, snowy days. Thank goodness- we’ve needed it!
Also in the video you’ll see:
1. a glimpse of our dining room table set for Christmas dinner (the only other visual proof I have that there was a Christmas celebration at my house)
2. Wilson has not caught on that a video camera takes MOVING pictures. He just stares at it smiling waiting for a click and a flash! It’s so funny- he’s so smart, but this he just doesn’t get it!

Celebrating Christmas with the Wilsons

On Christmas Day all of my family came over to our house for lunch and presents. We had a great time, unfortunately I have NO pictures of it. If I did you would see my parents, my brother, mom’s parents and her brother, dad’s mom, my kiddos and hubby. The above video of my mom in a santa hat riding Wilson’s new “turn spin bike” will have to do!

Christmas Morning at Home 2

I appologize for the quality of this video (little did I know I had a new video camera waiting to be opened!) Anywho . . . I had to include this one because it’s one of my favorites. When it starts Phil has just asked Wilson what he got. In case you miss it, he says “every single LEGO”. There are nights when we’re cleaning up his room that I think he’s right! (There are literally THOUSANDS of them) Santa left us a note saying that he had to clean out his workshop and he thought Wilson would probably enjoy some of his extra legos. Boy was he right!! Wilson has not stopped building! A very special thank you to Santa’s elves in Elmhurst that so graciously outgrew their collection and passed it on to us! Wilson will thank you when he’s old enough to know how much help Santa has.