
Wilson: “my best today was painting my Easter egg.” Maggie took the kids to satire where you can paint / glaze a ceramic Easter egg, then pick it up a few days later after it has come put of the kiln.

Maggie: “we had fun getting the kids’ Easter pictures made, and I also enjoyed getting a chocolate Easter bunny.” I stopped at the store in the way home & found a few things that we didn’t have.

Phil: “mine was watching Paw disect a wrist in the lab at his office.” Good stuff.


Wilson: “my best was playing with John Clark.”

Maggie: “mine was getting stuff done, cleaning the house, feels really good.”

Phil: “mine was the first mowing of the year, because later on in the summer I’ll be dreading it!”


Wilson: “my best was waiting on the car for Dad.” Wilson hung out in the carport for me while I went for a run. He sat on the car playing until I got back.

Maggie: “we went for a walk this morning in the neighborhood. That was my best.”

Phil: “running in the rain was my best. It was a good way to blow off some steam.”


Wilson: “my best was going to Emily’s party and getting my new sword.”

Maggie: “Miller walked a good bit at the party today, so that was fun.”

Phil: “mine was picking up the kids after work and helping Maggie get to Jazzercize.”


Wilson: “my best was playing going to Granna’s and getting a new fort.”

Maggie: “mine was seeing the fort finally getting started.”

Phil: “definitely getting started on the fort.”


Wilson: “um, my best was when you came home, Dad.” For some reason I asked him, “oh wow, really?” to which he replied, “mmm, no, going to school.” Maybe I should learn to take a compliment.

Maggie: “Miller was really sweet today and she called me Mama intentionally. That made me feel really good.”

Phil: “my best was making up songs with Wilson after supper.”


Wilson: “my best was playing with Wilkes today. First he came over here and played, then we went to his house to play.”

Maggie: “my best was going to circle tonight at Micki’s house with Krisan.”

Phil: “Wilson was really sweet tonight and wanted to be with his dad while watching Space Buddies. It feels good to be loved so much by that little guy.”


Wilson: “my best was going to the rodeo with Granna and Big Daddy, and I got a light saver (saber).” Well they say Star Wars is really a sci-fi Western. I guess light sabers & rodeos make sense.

Maggie: “hanging out with you yesterday was really good.”

Phil: “it felt really good to knock out some overdue yardwork, and even better to have my girls hanging out with me.”


Yesterday turned out to be a fun day. On the way home I asked Wilson what his best was. “Umm, I don’t know.” A very common response, actually.

“Okay then. Mom, what was yours?”

Maggie said, “I’m glad I got to go to a Super Bowl party.” The next few minutes were spent explaining to Wilson what that was, even though he was there too.

Then he asked me, “Dad, what was yours?” That didn’t take me long to answer. “Mine was also going to a Super Bowl party, and especially since it as at Mr. Tal’s house with his family.”

At this point he was beginning to remember what how the Daily Best game worked.

“So, Wilson, did you have a best today?”

“Yeah, I had fun playing with the sister at their house.” Isn’t it great how he could play with someone he’s never met before for about 4 hours? Now to teach him to introduce himself to new people and try to get their name as well. He followed that up with, “tomorrow, after school, I want to go back to their house to play.”


Wilson: “my best was playing trains at school today.” What a life. I only wish we had stuff to play with at work. Oh wait – never mind.

Maggie: “my best was when Wilson & John Clark played really well together this afternoon.” Pirates in the yard & Lightning McQueen upstairs are a recipe for fun.

Phil: “mine was getting to see all of my family this morning before going to work, and giving Maggie little kisses on her neck while Millie watched.” Don’t worry, baby girl, it’ll embarrass you even more when you’re a teenager. 🙂