
Miller: “mmm…Livvie!”  If you’ve not read the Olivia books, you should check them out – pretty cute.  So Moo’s got an Olivia movie through the Netflix this weekend.  She’s a fan.

Wilson: “my best was running in a race this morning.”  We’re proud of you, buddy!  Way to run without even stopping – a new PR for you too!

Maggs: “my bests were Miller feeling better and Wilson taking second in the race this morning!”  Moo woke up at 4:30 with an upset tummy – nothing more pitiful than a little one trying figure out what’s happening to them as they upchuck.

Phil: “my best was setting a new 5K PR, and sharing it with Wilson & Paw!”  (PR=personal record)  Official results aren’t posted yet, but I think it was around 22:10.  Bring on the 21’s!

Special thanks to Mr. Tal & Mrs. Renee for picking up Wilson’s medal.

Extra special thanks to Paw for being a big help as our official pack mule too!  Very helpful as we were running later than we should have.


Maggs: “my best was going to the Mermaid Cafe with you!”

Phil: “my best was also the impromptu date with Maggs at The Mermaid Cafe.  Thanks, Granna!”

Wilson is spending the night at Granna’s, so he didn’t get a vote this week.  And Miller was asleep by the time we got home.  But I bet for both of them it had to do with going to the zoo with Aunt Amy & Matthew.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Miller: “mmm…well…play outside.”  Nice weather today!

Wilson: “my best was going to get supper.”  Even though his tummy hurt, Wilson’s best was hibachi at Nagoya!
[UPDATE] Actually, his best was swinging all by himself without needing a push.  I usually write these a few hours after we’ve chatted, so forgive my senility. 🙂

Maggie: “my best was eating at Brent’s for lunch and seeing Brad.  Haven’t seen him in a while!”

Phil: “my best was running fast today.”


Miller: “mmm…well…um, turtle and fish and Car-line.” Maggs took the kids to the science museum. The Loves went too.

Wilson: “my best was going to the science museum.”

Maggie: “my best was getting ice cream with Phil.”

Phil: “my best was playing connect four & Uno with Wilson after dinner.”


Wilson: “my best was going to Gattitown today.”

Miller: “mmm…well…throw the balls!”  This is really cute and is how she begins her answers to the “what was your best” question.  She enjoyed skeeball at Gattitown.  This time, Caroline did go.

Maggie: “mine was also going to Gattitown with the Loves.”

Phil: “my best was going running with Wilson after work.”  We’re practicing for this weekend’s fun run.  Come & watch, or even sign up for yourself!


First off, happy Pi day.

Second of all, it’s good to be back blogging, but no promises how frequently I’ll post.  But I do hope to keep it going.  I’d like to for the three of you who check it every now & then.

We skipped the routine tonight, but Wilson’s best was probably having Wilkes & Brooke White come over to play all afternoon.

Miller is really starting to talk in fairly complete sentences now.  Her best was probably also playing with the Whites, though many times she answers, “Care-line!” meaning, “I played with my friend Caroline.”

Maggie had lots of bests, but her best best was, “Miller’s prayer tonight.”  Moo has started listing everything and everyone that she knows as things she’s thankful for.  If you’re reading this, you were on the list along with her blanket, bed, and other toys.

Phil: “my best was being able to spend good time with the family.”


The other morning I was getting ready for work, trying to be quiet.  Wilson came down and was hanging out with me before I headed out.  Some storms were brewing in the distance and you could just hear the thunder rolling as it got closer to us.

I looked at Wilson and said, “Wow, I think it’s going to rain in a little bit.”

He wasn’t very impressed, though.  He nonchalantly looked at me, then turned to look away while he said, “Well, Dad, it is March.  And it rains a lot in March.”

I thought that was April but so far he’s right.  Who knew?


Wilson: “my best was John Clark coming over to play after school.”

Maggie: “my best was that my dad liked his birthday present, and I had a good time at Target all by myself tonight.”

Phil: “my best was playing with Wilson’s new Hot Wheels set.”

Give Peace a Chance – Don't Forward This to Your Undisclosed Recipients

President Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

I suppose I should be proud for my country, especially in a time where the rest of the world isn’t really fond of us.  But this is a sad day for the Nobel Foundation.  Is there any more prestigious recognizing organization in existence?  And today’s announcement that President Obama is the Peace Prize winner.  My mouth was agape for about a minute when I saw that this morning.

My first question was, what’s the process for nomination, selection & award.  Well guess what, it’s posted on their site right here.  Great, not that hard to find either – thanks.

So let’s see, nominations are taken in…September to February.  Hmm.  So during that period he’s president for roughly 1 month.  One month.  Not even 100 days.

February to March the “short list” is made.  And he made the cut then?  We’re still under 100 days so far.  March to August, advisory review; October, final decision made & announced.

This doesn’t take a rocket scientist.  In fact, it doesn’t even take a political scientist.  The world’s love affair with the man currently serving as our president has finally made me feel sick to my stomach.  Not figuratively, physiologically.

And now it has also made me lose merit in any significance behind the Nobel Foundation’s awards.  What a shame, what a pity.  I’ve been excited to hear about the Chemistry awards this year, and thrilled to hear the humility with which the laureates have accepted their awards.  What an honor for them early this week.

Now imagine being in the shadow they’ve just been cast into with this premature, politically-influenced?, boondoggling award to a man who just might actually deserve it once he’s been given an appropriate amount of time to prove himself worthy.  Ugh.  What a stark contrast.

While this news is certainly not “my best” today, let’s do give real peace a chance.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good.  His Love endures forever.  Now that’s peace that passes all understanding.  The Author, Perfecter, and Giver of true and lasting peace.  I do sincerely pray for President Obama, specifically that he will know this peace, and that through a literal act of God, he too will promote a peaceful world.  Take a moment today, and join me in that prayer.

Disclaimer: I do not condone forwarding snide, disrespectful emails, especially politically motivated ones.  I receive plenty of these already, many of them from my own family.  I quietly move them to my trash can.  It is not my intent to slam or any way disrespect the man Barack Obama or the office of the President of the US.  This event is just too souring to me personally to not say something about it to my readership of 3 or 4 folks.  If you feel led to share my thoughts above, please be considerate of your recipients and please do not twist or slant my views.


Wilson: “my best was when Mom told me that I get to start soccer soon.” I’d say tomorrow is soon.
Maggie: “my best was shopping for the house, making baby doll bedding for Miller, and making a pretty arrangement for the vase in the foyer.”
Phil: “my best was coming home to the fam.”