
Wilson: “My best was going to school!  We played in the gym and we got to sing Jingle Bells in Miss Connie Taylor’s room.”

Phil: “My best was when Wilson called me on the phone today while I was at work.  He was so exciting to tell me about a space station toy he got at Chick-Fil-A today.  My second best was getting to see Miller ‘schmoopsie-pooh’ still awake after coming home late.”

Miller’s best was taking a good nap this afternoon.


Wilson: “My best was going to Granna’s & playing the fireman game!”

Maggie: “My best was putting up Christmas decorations on the front porch.”

Phil: “My best was playing with Miller, and also going to Granna’s.”

Miller: her best was probably getting to play with Mom & Dad at 11:30 last night instead of going to bed.


Wilson: “my best was going to Granna’s.” Today, Wilson spent the afternoon at Granna’s house making his first gingerbread house.

Maggie: “seeing my brother, getting a painting started, and getting our new mirror hung.” So it was a big day for Maggs. We’ll let her cheat and have more than one best today. John was home for Thanksgiving today, and Phil helped hang a new mirror over the fireplace.

Phil: “my best was seeing the gingerbread house & bringing Wilson home after work.” I also got to tinker this evening which was great.

Miller: “glad my ears are finally starting to feel better. I’m much happier now.” Well we’re also glad that you’re feeling and sleeping better.


Wilson: “my best was going to the doctor today because I got two suckers!” Miller found out today that she has an ear infection, but Wilson got to get a reward for behaving.

Maggie: “my best was that Wilson was really sweet today.”

Phil: “my best was eating raising canes for lunch; haven’t had that in a while.”

Miller: “my best was going to Target after supper!”


Wilson: “My best was going to Sunday school; but it went away.  Maybe I can pray about that tonight?”  Sure, son, that’d be a great thing to pray about.  When Wilson says that his “best” went away, that means that it’s over now or that he’s not doing it anymore.  Not sure where that came from, but it’s kinda cool.

Maggie: “Lunch (from Penn’s) and supper (Back Yard Burger at Granna & Big Daddy’s house).”  I think we’ve had our sodium & triglyceride quotas for the rest of the year filled today.  Funny thing about Penns – the plasticware packets included salt & pepper packets.  Who on Earth would put more salt on fried catfish, hush puppies and fries?

Phil: “My best was laying down with Wilson in his bed to take a rest, and waking up by myself.”  It was a good, unexpected nap, and I was awakened to the sound of my family laughing & playing.  That’s the stuff that bests are made of.


Wilson: “my best was my FEAST!” They had a Thanksgiving day feast at school today.

Maggie: “eating lunch with friends.” She had lunch with the kids and with Stephanie, John Clark & Caroline Love.

Phil: “a good day of ping pong at work.”

Miller: “watching Superman with Dad.” Maybe that was actually Dad’s best.


Today’s bests, as reported by each family member at dinner tonight, are as follows.

Wilson: “hmmm; playing with my airplane.”  I suspect that this one was a bit rushed, though I did come home from work to him flying it like a madman in the back yard.

Maggie: “Eating lunch with the whole family was nice, and a Dr. who is not currently taking patients called back just to see how I was doing.  I thought that was really nice.”  I think so too.  Oh, and lunch was all four of us going to Sweet Peppers.  Wilson learned how to play the dots game where you take turns drawing lines & trying to make squares.  I think that kept him busy for the rest of the afternoon.

Phil: “I also enjoyed eating lunch with the family.  I had a great conversation with Carl [Kalbercamp] this afternoon too.”

Miller: “duh duh duh duh duh duh.”  I’m sure it was, sweetheart.


Today is the first day of recording our “bests”, that is, what the best part of our day was.

Wilson: “my best was going to school. We played in the gym and we sang a happy Thanksgiving song”

Maggie: “Shopping with Miller who wore her new soft, fuzzy hat all day & flirted with anyone who spoke to her.” note that this is an unexpected but welcome behavior from her.

Phil: “Being able to see the family before half of them went to bed. I was especially glad to see Wilson in a much better mood over the last few days.”

Miller: “nn-guh!”