Christmastime at Granna & Big Daddy’s

Miller was fascinated with this bag- it had a button that when pushed made the lights around the snowman blink. She never even thought about actually opening it, though. Good thing, too. Inside was her new wooden doll house that she now has to play with every night before she goes to bed!

Wilson and Granna’s gingerbread house- 2009
Wilson loves coloring with sidewalk chalk on Granna’s big hill- it’s even more fun in a Santa hat.
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Thanksgiving Feast

This is Wilson’s class at their Thanksgiving Feast. This year they dressed up as Indians. Earlier in the week they took a pillow case to school and painted them with dab a dot paint and squirt bottles of water and their teacher cut arm & neck holes in them. They also made headdressesand necklaces. They also were to come up with an Indian name for themselves. If you enlarge the picture you’ll see names like Sparkle Star, Yellow Moon, and Red Wolf. My child “made up” Squanto. Really Wilson? You just made up “Squanto”? Yep, just made it up.

Well at least he thought through this lie before any photo evidence could be taken to prove otherwise . . .

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First Haircut

Miller did fairly well for her first haircut. Not much was taken off, but she did look much neater afterwards. She had her second haircut a couple of days ago. She cried during that one and insisted on sitting in my lap the whole time. We did get a good bit more taken off this time and she just looks too cute!

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Funny Miller

Stealing her cousin’s hat that goes with his sock monkey costume while Trick or Treating

Truck Driver/Babysitter

Coloring sans pants (relax it’s just a pretend squirrel behind her- we keep them around to try and make the place look like we’re full up on wild life)
Making music with her sippy cup top