
The day after Miller’s birthday Phil and I left for Orlando where Phil ran his first marathon. It was below freezing the entire time and the water provided on the course was frozen. We had to get up around 3:00am to be on a bus to the start by 4:00. Despite this Phil completed it in just a few minutes over 4 hours and lived to tell about it! He had a tag on his shoe that would send text messages to me letting me know where he was, his pace, and his expected finishing times. I tried to pass the messages along to our family at home, but seeing as it was about 4:00 in the morning here and taking my hands out of my mittens was excruciatingly painful- I gave up and we just called everyone from the hotel when he was done. Before we left, I was able to put his anticipated time in on the race website and it put together an itinerary of where I should be when to see him. It was so cold that I mainly just did laps around the parks on the monorail until it got close to time for a sighting. Below are some videos that I got of the race. Sadly I missed him coming across the finish line. I really don’t know how, other than the fact that 26,000 people ran the race. Oh well, thank goodness for cell phones. He called me when he finished and we were able to find each other. What’s funny is that that was not the first time we’d talked since he started the race. It was kind of bizarre to have him call me while he was racing, but on the other hand, it would be a long 4 hours just riding around with my book!
This is the wheel chair racers- pretty impressive
This is about mile 4. I totally lucked up and was on the same side of the road that his wave was on.
This would be the last time I would see him on the course. This is right after he ran through the castle in Magic Kingdom. Look for a guy in a yellow shirt- Phil’s behind him in a black shirt & grey hat. At least I think that’s him. Pretend with me will you- otherwise I was in the freezing cold for nothing. Little did I know they literally ran right through the grounds of our hotel- I could have just stayed there and had him call me when he was getting close. Oh well, I wouldn’t have missed my own race through the parks attempting catch him- it was pretty fun!
The kids stayed home and were shuffled between family and friends- thanks so much to everyone who took a turn with them. It had been three years since we had a grown up only trip! We had such a blast- I think our favorite part was all the new restaurants we tried. We ate at one of the African places at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, an Irish pub complete with dancers, took in the Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues, had Italian in a great spot at our hotel, and finished the week off eating diner with the princesses at the castle in Norway at Epcot. We did not know that we were going to be dining with royalty (or having our picture taken with them) so that was a pretty fun surprise. Just FYI with anyone with little girls- this is a great deal. You get a great meal and several pictures taken with Belle befor
e you are seated. While you’re eating your pictures are delivered to your table. Belle was quite impressed with my Beast- she said her’s had never run a marathon! We also had a couples massage the day after the marathon, went to a movie one afternoon, walked around the boardwalk area, and enjoyed one day park hopping.

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