Brief Update

Hi to all. Sorry it’s been a while since our last post. It’s been pretty quiet around here- the fridge broke again as I was preparing for a party at our house. The guy came to fix it about 4 hours before the party so our outside fridge (the one from my college dorm room!) was stuffed to capacity. I rearranged the furniture a little for the party one night after Wilson had gone to bed. He walked out the next morning and whispered “WOOOW!” I don’t think because of my centerpiece, but becuase he never knew the furniture could move. It was pretty funny. I was on the phone yesterday and walked in the den to find him standing in the middle in a complete trance watching “Stein” (Baby Einstein). I don’t think he even realized he’d climbed up there. He’s such a mess. He asks all day long for his daddy and grandparents and “JON” (my brother John). It’s really fun to watch him become more aware of the world around him. Above are some of the photos we had taken for Easter. He had such a great time playing with the duck and bunny.

One Reply to “Brief Update”

  1. He’s a ham and a half! I love these pictures! So glad it was a good experience for all involved!

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