Are you having trouble getting the right amount of Crispness in your oatmeal?

I have found the solution. Simply have your toddler smear a bowl of oatmeal all over his shirt, peel said shirt inside out over his head, put it through a wash, rinse, and spin, and then dry. When the shirt is removed from the dryer and turned right side out, you’ll have that oatmeal miniaturized and crispified (most will be stuck to the shirt, but watch the floor because plenty will spill all over there, too). This makes a great topping for yogurt or fruit cobblers/crisps. Or you could just put the shirt back on the young chap and send him into the yard as the ultimate earth friendly bird feeder.

This discovery was made after doing laundery after the “I don’t want to eat oatmeal with a spoon” incident. My washer and dryer have never been so fiber rich!

We would like to thank Pat Pat and Paw for keeping Wilson tonight so that we could go to a movie at the new Grandview! I am pleased to say that we passed the dress code with flying colors and rather enjoyed Match Point. Unfortunately, as I type he is hurling insults at me over the monitor- something about “outright defiance of his clear request to not go to bed. He was quite comfortable in the four poster, queen from which we aroused him, and this Jenny Lynn is just not up to snuff.” Guess it’s time to try out the old- “I’ll be right back…”

One Reply to “Are you having trouble getting the right amount of Crispness in your oatmeal?”

  1. So sorry he didn’t sleep well last night–hope he does better tonight and is a sweet boy tomorrow. I’m sure there will be some new food concoction that he’ll come up with. What a (sweet) mess!!

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